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A Journey to Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang through light and shadow

来源:Stellar Stories news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 17:13:53

  (People's Daily Online) 10:52, August 04, 2021


  (Photo/Meet You Museum)

  An immersive digital exhibition called "Meet Dunhuang" recently opened in Beijing to showcase the glamour of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, northwest China's Gansu Province.

  Using 3D light digital technology to integrate technology and reality into an immersive experience, the show takes audiences on a voyage through time and space into the magnificent Buddhist caves, which date back to the 4th to 14th centuries.

  With an exhibition space covering over 1,500 square meters, the show offers a visual and audio feast to audiences, according to an executive with the organizing committee of the exhibition.

  "I've done my best to recreate the beauty of the Mogao Grottoes so that people know more about this genre of traditional Chinese painting," said Bao Ying, a rock painting artist.


  (Photo/Meet You Museum)

  The project invited Chang Shana, a famous scholar on Dunhuang studies, as an adviser. Over 200 artworks created by Chang, Bao and other Chinese painters, which are replicas of frescoes in the Mogao Grottoes, have been included in the digital exhibition, said Tan Ping, director of Art Exhibitions China.

  The exhibition brings the cultural relics back to life, and marks a significant step in carrying forward excellent traditional Chinese culture through the use of technology, said Li Jinsheng, chairman of the China Arts and Entertainment Group Ltd (CAEG).

  At a seminar on international communication held on the exhibition's opening day, experts said that China has a wealth of cultural heritage resources and outstanding traditional culture, and must make full use of the Internet to better promote Chinese culture in ways that are easily accepted by young people.

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